(a/k/a PSA – An Arizona Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization)

An Overview of the Organization

PSA is a volunteer non-profit organization made up of people who are writers, filmmakers and others interested and involved within the entertainment industry. In general, activity organizers are members just like you. They are typically not trained professionals, but rather volunteers who share their knowledge and experience, and work to bring educational, networking, and social events to the local industry community.

We work to find sponsors to subsidize costs of doing business. We offer paid memberships (Basic $25 annually/Platinum $100 annually) which offer members discounts to events and products offered by our sponsors and partners, as well as other bonuses for our Platinum members. We seek donations for angels and companies that support the industry. PSA’s role is simply to get people of similar interests together to further their career goals and hobbies.


The classes offered through PSA are run by volunteers who are donating their time. We are always seeking dedicated members and volunteers to help us grow into the premier screenwriting group in Arizona. PSA gives its members access to affordable and unique special event opportunities.

We bring in local talent and often arrange for people working in the L.A. industry to teach, lecture, and network.

If there is a class that is likely to be of interest to members and/or represents our mission statement,” it may be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration.

If it appears that an activity or class may be outside of PSA’s mission statement, the Board of Directors may decide it should not be formally presented to members.

The PSA Facebook and Meet Up pages post interesting and informational articles, regularly scheduled and special events that members can sign up to attend, as well as work together with other industry groups to cross promote events.


The newly formed Facebook Group page gives members a way to communicate with each other. If a member wants to collaborate with another member, or discuss issues they’re having with their projects, the Facebook Group is the place to chat.

You’re Needed – You’re Wanted

The bottom line is that PSA is what our members make it. We cannot keep this group running without you. Please volunteer to help make the magic happen. Surround yourself with like-minded talent. Get involved. Sign up to be a paid PSA member. We need you! And we believe you need us as well!

Become A Member – Top Five Reasons to Join PSA

  1. Check out our Meet Up and Facebook pages. Learn about screenwriting and the entertainment industry from working screenwriters, producers, agents, and other teachers, through one of the many classes and workshops offered through PSA. Read pertinent articles for other industry experts. Never has so much opportunity been so inexpensive! Similar classes offered elsewhere cost double, if not more, than ours.
  2. Get quite a return on your membership fees. We offer event pricing discounts to paid PSA members, as well as discounts offered through our partners and sponsors. And did I mention our really cool mug?
  3. Gain access to our Facebook Group where you can post questions to be answered by other members.
  4. Develop your writing, filmmaking, and industry teamwork skills. Make friends. Attend a class, volunteer to help with a committee, or hold an office.
  5. Form lasting friendships with other like-minded people. Writing may often be a solo endeavor, but let’s face it, having a group of friends to bounce ideas around with or to work through a block is a blessing.

Challenge yourself! Learn something new every day in a field that is your passion! It must be our passion, no? Why else would we torment themselves this way?

How to Join

Go to our website and complete your membership application today.


Basic – $25 annually

What you get with a Basic membership– Discounts offered through our partners and sponsors. A $10 discount off all events (fundraisers excluded). A PSA mug.

Platinum – $100 annually

What you get with a Platinum membership– Discounts offered through our partners and sponsors. A $10 discount off all events (fundraisers excluded). A PSA mug. A PSA T-shirt.  A PSA Pen. Access to all Speaker Meet and Greets before events, and lunches after events. Our undying appreciation.


Website http://phxscreenwriters.org/

Meet Up Page https://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-Screenwriters-Group/

Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/PhoenixScreenwritersAssociation/


Become a Member http://phxscreenwriters.org/application

– Roxanne Ruane

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