by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Jan 29, 2022 | Masterclass, T. Severe, Tips
Backstory – What? How? How Much?- by T Severe, Ph.D., Screenwriter/filmmaker As screenwriters we’re taught that for a character to be multi-dimensional we often need to create a sufficient backstory to him or her so that the audience has a clearer picture to...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Oct 29, 2021 | Masterclass, T. Severe, Tips
Conflict -Universal Story Conflicts- by T Severe, Ph.D., Screenwriter/filmmaker In your study of literature, you likely have come across a discussion of universal story conflicts. Compelling stories rely on some underlying conflict. This is true for screenplays in...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Apr 28, 2021 | Masterclass, T. Severe, Tips
The Beat Goes On -Story Beats: A Comparison- by T Severe, Ph.D., Screenwriter/filmmaker While it’s true that a great movie is based on a great story, it’s also true it’s based on a great screenplay. The screenplay is the blueprint for the production of the film...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Feb 27, 2021 | Masterclass, T. Severe, Tips, Uncategorized
Say What? -Listen to your dialogue- by T Severe, Ph.D., Screenwriter/filmmaker Ugh! Getting dialogue right can be a challenge. No wonder so many screenwriting workshops focus exclusively on writing strong dialogue. It really is so critical. How your character speaks...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Jan 29, 2021 | Masterclass, Resources, T. Severe
What’s in a Name? -Adding character to your character- by T Severe, Ph.D., Screenwriter/filmmaker Naming your story’s characters is often fun, but it can also serve your story. As you know, Final Draft has a name database which is extremely helpful. You can also...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Aug 29, 2020 | Masterclass, T. Severe, Tips
Action! -Indie Filmmaking- by T Severe, Ph.D., Screenwriter/filmmaker Screenwriters dream of the day they see their script produced into a film. But the cold reality is it can be an uphill swim given the number of scripts submitted annually and the number of films...