by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Feb 27, 2021 | Masterclass, Personal, Tips
On Considering the Gothic and the Marvel-ous By Joe Quirk Regular readers of this column know I write, create and produce an audio theater program called Barnaby Druthers which is found on community radio stations throughout the country. In a recent article I...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Jan 29, 2021 | Masterclass, Personal, Tips
Every Day is a First Impression By Joe Quirk Everything we put out into the public will be someone’s first impression of what we create. Stand-up comedians who have the benefit of some fame from other media like tv or movies will tell you that the goodwill of fame...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Nov 29, 2020 | Masterclass, Tips
The Only Deadline that Matters By Joe Quirk If at the end of the year you find you did not complete your manuscript, you did not finish your second draft, or learn a new language or exercise at home with the same regularity you used to at the gym, if at the end of the...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Oct 27, 2020 | Masterclass, Tips
Writing what you don’t know By Joe Quirk When writing a script the old adage of “writing what you know” is a good rule of thumb but on occasion there is an advantage to breaking the rules. I write and produce The Barnaby Druthers series audio theater adventures as...
by Phoenix Screenwriters Association | Sep 29, 2020 | Masterclass, Tips
The Meaning Of All Is Lost By Joe Quirk It has been a rough year for most of us, most notably with the pandemic and the effects of it, for the economy, for the environment, for relationships, even for our ability to speak to one another and at some point, the concept...